How to Make a Medical Process Flow Chart

Improve the performance of your medical staff by making a flow chart of the steps involved in the basic medical process. The medical process flow chart clarifies the procedures and enhances employees' job performances. Use any computer program that supports tables or graphics and follow these steps.


    • 1

      Start a blank document in the program. Save it as "Medical Process Flow Chart." Use either fields or text boxes to contain short sentences or questions.

    • 2

      Title the first field, "Patient's arrival." Follow with these three fields: "Request contact information," "Confirm patient's existence in data base (request completion of forms if not)" and "Confirm data base information is current (request updates if not)." Make the next field, "In Waiting Room."

    • 3

      Insert one field entitled, "Take vital signs if nurse available." Include a field attached to that entitled, "Patient to waiting room if nurse is not available." Add the field "Patient to doctor if available." Follow with "Patient to waiting room if doctor is not available."

    • 4

      Focus next on the patient's post-examination treatment. Include a field entitled "Medication required." Insert two fields after that: "Yes, prescription given and pharmacy called" and "No medication required." If applicable to the facility, add another field for "Medication given from pharmacy supplies."

    • 5

      Complete the medical process flow chart with additional follow-up points. Insert a field entitled "Follow up visit required" and attach another field for "Check schedule and issue an appointment." If you can't determine the need for additional care, create a field for "Patient instructed to call with status update" and "Patient supplied with doctor's contact information."

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