What service should I use for NPI Lookup or Registry database?
Here's a list of services that provide NPI Lookup or Registry databases:
1. NPPES (National Plan & Provider Enumeration System):
- The official source of NPI information maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
- Provides a free search tool to find healthcare providers by name, NPI number, or other criteria.
- Offers bulk data downloads of the NPI Registry.
2. NPI Registry Gateway:
- An alternative NPI Lookup service operated by the American Medical Association (AMA) and Ingenix.
- Offers a variety of search options and tools for finding healthcare providers and organizations.
- Provides access to additional data elements beyond the basic NPI information.
3. ProviderData Central:
- A comprehensive database of healthcare provider information maintained by the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH).
- Offers a subscription-based service with access to detailed provider data, including NPI numbers, practice information, and credentialing status.
4. CMS Enterprise Portal:
- A website maintained by CMS that offers access to various healthcare data, including NPI information.
- Provides tools for searching, downloading, and analyzing provider data.
5. Medicare.gov:
- The official website of the Medicare program, which contains a search tool to find healthcare providers by name, NPI number, or specialty.
- Offers information about Medicare coverage and benefits.
6. State Medical Boards or Licensure Agencies:
- Some state medical boards or health regulatory agencies maintain their own databases of licensed healthcare providers, which may include NPI numbers.
- These databases can provide additional information about a provider's training, experience, and licensure status.
7. Third-Party Data Aggregators:
- There are private companies that aggregate and provide access to healthcare provider data, including NPI information.
- These services may offer advanced search features, custom data sets, or integration with other healthcare data sources.
When selecting an NPI Lookup or Registry database, it's important to consider factors such as the completeness and accuracy of the data, the search options and tools provided, and the accessibility and cost of the service.