How Do I Transfer Doctors?

Many managed care insurance plans, such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), require their members to select one general practice doctor to act as their primary care physician (PCP). The primary care physician acts as the first point of contact for that member's health care, coordinating additional care through specialist physicians. Changing PCPs requires more than scheduling with the new doctor. Transferring doctors without following these steps can result in potential medical bills and frustration.


    • 1

      Contact the new doctor. Check whether he is accepting new patients. Obtain a fax number to which you can send any medical records.

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      Contact your insurance provider. Ask whether your policy allows you to select a primary care physician. Verify with the representative that your policy covers the doctor to whom you wish to transfer.

    • 3

      Inform the insurance member service representative that you wish to list a new doctor as your PCP. Ask to have the effective date for your PCP selection set to a point in the future if you anticipate going to see your old doctor before beginning with the new PCP.

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      Call your old doctor's office. Request that they send a complete copy of your medical records to the new doctor's office. Ask for a copy of your complete medical records for your own files. Take your copy with you to the first appointment with the new doctor in case their copy has not arrived.

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