What sort of service does City House offer?
1. Homeless Services: City House serves as a central point of entry for homeless individuals and families in Indianapolis. They provide comprehensive services to address their immediate and long-term needs, such as shelter, meals, clothing, showers, and access to healthcare and mental health services.
2. Housing Stability Programs: City House offers a range of housing stability programs designed to help individuals and families transition from homelessness to stable, long-term housing. This includes assistance with finding affordable housing, financial education, and case management services.
3. Employment Programs: City House's employment programs focus on helping individuals gain the skills and experience needed to find and retain jobs. They offer training programs in various industries, job placement assistance, and supportive services like transportation and childcare.
4. Youth Services: City House operates several programs specifically tailored to the needs of homeless youth. They provide temporary and permanent housing, counseling, education support, and life skills development programs to help young people get back on their feet.
5. Advocacy and Community Outreach: City House works to advocate for policies and systems that can help prevent and address homelessness. They also collaborate with other community organizations and businesses to raise awareness and mobilize support for homeless individuals and families.
By providing a holistic approach that combines housing stability services, employment opportunities, and support services, City House strives to create a pathway out of homelessness for vulnerable individuals and families in the Indianapolis community.