How to Clean a Motorized Wheelchair

A motorized wheelchair gives the elderly and others with mobility issues greater independence. Power wheelchairs are expensive, major investments, so regular maintenance is essential. Invacare compares a motorized wheelchair to a car; without maintenance, it will perform poorly and can hinder the new-found independence. Part of regular maintenance includes keeping the chair clean. Cleaning a motorized wheelchair is a simple but effective way to make sure the chair works for as long as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Damp cloths
  • Dry cloths
  • Warm water
  • Mild cleaning agent
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      Wipe down the seat and frame of the wheelchair with a soft, slightly damp cloth on a regular basis. This prevents the buildup of dust and grime.

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      Wipe up spills immediately with an absorbent, dry cloth. This includes bodily fluids such as vomit and urine as well as beverages. If left for even a short time, the fluid can affect the electrical components of the chair.

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      Wash off mud, salt and debris from the wheels using a wet cloth. Buildup of debris on the wheels can cause an unbalance and difficulty in maneuvering.

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      Remove the connection wires that run from the control panel to the motor when they become dirty. Wash them using warm water and a mild cleaning agent. Reconnect them based on color coding. Washing dirty connections prevents malfunctioning.

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