Assisted Living Information

Assisted living is for adults who need some assistance with their day-to-day activities, like eating, bathing or dressing, but are able to be independent for periods of time as well. Assisted living can take place in apartment-like settings or larger facilities.
  1. Features

    • Assisted living facilities provide a number of different services. These usually include personal care services like help with toileting, dressing and eating. Other services offered are housekeeping and laundry services, transportation, and help with medication management. Many facilities also have recreation programs and sponsor trips.


    • Assisted living is less expensive than nursing home care. Assisted living also allows couples to remain in a shared living space, even if only one needs care. It provides more privacy and independence than nursing homes.


    • Even though assisted living is less expensive than nursing home care, it is still relatively costly. According to a survey conducted by Genworth in 2010, the median rate in the U.S. for a one-bedroom, single-occupancy assisted living apartment was $3,185 a month. Costs may be lower or higher depending on what part of the U.S. you live in and what services you need. Medicare doesn't cover the costs for assisted living facilities.

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