How to Use a Zoll Defibrillator
A defibrillator uses electrode pads to deliver a "shock" of electricity to the heart. It is used in cases of cardiac arrest to help jump start the contractions of the heart. The American Heart Association has stated that early defibrillation is key in the survival factor of persons suffering a cardiac arrest. Zoll Medical Corporation offers a line of automated external defibrillators, also known as AED devices.Instructions
Place two fingers on the carotid artery to check for a pulse. The defibrillator will not shock the person if a pulse is present.
Press the power button. On the AED Plus, the power button is located in the lower left-hand corner.
Open the lid of the unit. Pull out the instructions and electrode pads.
Send someone to call 911 for help.
Lift the person's chin and tilt his head back slightly. This will open his airway for CPR.
Lower your head so your ear is close to their mouth. Listen for sounds of breathing. If the person is still not breathing, deliver two breaths.
Tear open the electrode pad package and attach the electrode pads to the persons chest. Place the crosshairs over the person's breastbone. Peel the backing off each electrode and press them firmly in place.
Step back from the person as the machine analyzes the electrical activity of the heart.
Make sure everyone is cleared away from the person. Press the button with the heart if a shock has been advised.
Continue CPR after a shock has been delivered, or if a shock is not advised. The Zoll defibrillator will also guide your CPR.