About Homecare Services
Medical homecare services include blood work, medication planning and administering, wound care and physical assessments of your condition with regular reports of your progress to your doctor. Only licensed or registered nurses can perform these types of services.
Along with the registered nurse, you may also have a qualified health aide there to assist her during her examinations. These services include helping with personal hygiene, like bathing and restroom assistance, and assisting with movement and some physical therapy. Certain aides perform light housekeeping including laundry, meal preparation and light yard work. Home health aides also offer companion services for elderly or mentally impaired patients.
For patients with physical ailments or injuries, homecare services include physical therapy such as therapeutic exercises to increase flexibility, movement, circulation and strength. Physical therapy services also help offer gait and balance training. Speech therapy is a homecare service offered through many home health care organizations.
Cost and Coverage
In some regions and for certain treatments, home health care is more affordable than a lengthy hospital stay. For most patients, Medicare covers homecare services, excluding meal delivery, personal shopping and housework. Always check with your medical coverage provider before ordering any homecare services. In order to qualify for in-home care, your doctor must first declare that you need homecare services and make an effective in-home care plan to help you recuperate. Your doctor must also state that in your present condition, you are unable to leave the home without it causing taxing or serious effects on your physical or mental health. Your care plan must also declare that you need regular care from a licensed nurse or therapist or a qualified health aide. The homecare services that you and your doctor choose should be performed by a Medicare-approved facility or staff.
Your Rights
You are entitled to specific homecare patient rights and upon beginning any in-home health care program your medical provider and homecare agency are required to provide you with a written copy of your patient rights. Within these rights, you have the right to choose your home health agency as long as it covered under your managed care plan. You have the right to request family members' presence, and you may designate a family member to act as your guardian in case of emergencies or injury. You also have the right to request a copy of your doctor's care plan so that you can ask questions and be prepared for any treatment your doctor deems necessary. Your rights cover your property and guarantee that you and your belongings are treated with respect. You also have the right to file complaints with the homecare agency and your care plan if you feel violated in any way.