The Effects of Chair Massages

Chair massage is a massage of short duration, generally ten to fifteen minutes, in which the person getting the massage sits either in a regular chair or in a special massage chair which allows him to rest his forehead down on a headrest while the massage therapist works on his back. No clothes are removed in chair massage, and no oil is used.
  1. Stress Reduction Effects of Chair Massage

    • Chair massage relieves stress to the neck and back. It increases energy and encourages creativity and calmness, reduces anxiety, and minimizes tension headaches. According to the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, workday chair massage for nurses resulted in a significant reduction of stress.

    Other Physical Benefits of Chair Massage

    • Chair massage helps ameliorate the negative physical effects of repetitive motion at work, including carpal tunnel syndrome. It also helps employees deal with the negative circulatory system effects of sitting in one place for a long time. Since much physical discomfort at work is due to poor circulation, chair massage can do a lot to alleviate these symptoms. Just the act of sitting down in a massage chair helps relax the back and neck muscles, and gives the employee's eyes a break after hours of staring at a computer.

    Effects of Chair Massage in the Workplace

    • Some businesses now offer chair massage as a workplace benefit to their employees. Chair massage can be offered in many work environments, and costs little to implement. Having chair massages during the work day helps employees increase their level of performance, and helps them feel good about their workplace. Employers who offer chair massage send a message to their employees that they care about the employees' well-being, which in turn increases employee loyalty. Employees who receive chair massage at work also are less likely to suffer from work-relates musculoskeletal disorders, and thus are less likely to be absent from work.

    Possible Side Effects of Chair Massage

    • People who have low blood pressure can sometimes faint or feel queasy during chair massage. Dizziness and feeling faint is more likely with chair massage than with traditional massage given on a massage table, because the person receiving the massage already has his head raised and thus has less blood flow to the head. While there are no long-term ill effects from fainting during chair massage, the massage therapist should keep an eye out to prevent dizziness. If the person receiving the massage does actually faint, the massage therapist should raise his legs above his head to help blood flow return to the brain.

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