Pros & Cons of Home Health Nursing
Varied Work Environment
Home health nurses and aides work in a variety of situations. Many of them work in a patient's home, but others assist patients in skilled nursing and hospice facilities. A home health care nurse or aide likely sees several clients in one day. They must be on time for their individual appointments, but the day is generally less structured than working in a hospital or doctor's office.
Basic Medicine
Home health care aides perform various basic tasks under the direction of a doctor or nurse practitioner, including helping a patient dress, eat, move and get comfortable. Some aides do basic medical tasks, such as measuring blood pressure and noting changes in the patient's condition. Although the tasks are basic, they still offer a good introduction to medical jobs for anyone considering a career in care, nursing or medicine.
Growing Profession
Health care in general is expected to grow over the next decade, and some of the sharpest increases are projected for home health care nurses, aides and assistants. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in this area is expected to increase 50 percent by the year 2018. Among the reasons for this growth, the agency notes, are the aging baby boomer population and the rising cost of nursing homes.
Low Pay
One of the downsides for some home health care professionals is pay. Salaries and wages vary according to location, duties and levels of education. However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics places the average hourly wage for home health medical and nurses aides at just under $10 per hour. The average annual salary for home health nurse assistants is about $20,000. Pay increases are possible if an aide takes on more responsibility or gets more training. Advancement into nursing also brings a higher salary.
Strenuous, Unpleasant Work
Some of the tasks home health aides perform can be strenuous. If the patient needs help bathing, moving her safely in and out of the bathing area can demand a degree of strength. A patient's home might not be equipped with lifting devices found in hospitals. Some tasks are also unpleasant. A home health aide might be expected to change bed pans, linens and have to clean up and dispose of other bodily fluids.