How to Put on a Hoyer Sling
Patient in Bed
Inform the individual that you plan on moving them with the Hoyer lift. If this is the first time the individual has been transferred, show them how the lift works. Talk the individual through the transfer and explain each step as it takes place. This lets the person you are assisting feel more comfortable and as if they have more control over the situation.
Position the individual in bed so that the sling can slide underneath him. Roll him on his back and straighten out his limbs so they are laying by his side. Roll him onto his side and place the sling on the bed. Make sure the sling is spread out as much as possible so that when he rolls back onto his back it is centered on his body.
Check the sling to make sure that it is smooth underneath the body. If the sling is twisted it might cause an injury. Adjust the top straps so that they are even with each other across her back. Cross the two bottom straps under her legs so that they create a seat. Hook up the four loops to the Hoyer Lift and transfer the individual using the lift system.
Patient is Sitting
Position the individual in the chair so that they are sitting straight. Place his arms by his side and uncross his legs. Ask the individual to lean forward or assist him to lean forward by placing your hand under his arm and guiding him forward. The caregiver should place his body in front of the chair to prevent the individual from falling out.
Place the sling behind the individual. Smooth out the sling out so that there are no wrinkles or creases in it. The sling should be positioned behind her shoulders. Pull the bottom straps out so that one strap is on each side of her and then cross them underneath her legs. Check the sling to make sure that it does not have any twists in the material.
Hook the top two loops to the Hoyer lift and then hook the bottom two loops to the lift. There will be four hoops to connect the sling to the lift and all four must be used during a transfer. Use the Hoyer lift to transfer the individual.