Mucopolysaccharides & Hair Growth
Good sources of mucopolysaccharides are aloe vera and green-lipped mussels. Other sources include all crustaceans, seaweed and refined cartilage. Mucopolysaccharide supplements and creams for topical application are readily available. Mucopolysaccharides often appear as a thickening agent in shampoos and conditioners.
The life of each hair has three phases: "Anagen"; "Catagen" and "Telegon". The "Anagen" phase is the important growing phase and can last between one and four years, but becomes shorter as people age, resulting in thinner hair. Researchers from Foltene Laboratories S.p. A. (see Resources) found that when applied topically mucopolysaccharides improve circulation allowing more nutrients to the hair and at the same time accelerating the removal of naturally produced waste products. Mucopolysaccharides are also a natural humectant so hold moisture in the hair thus improving condition.
Time Frame
Researchers at Ewha university treated a study group of 30 patients suffering from various degrees of hair loss with a mucopolysaccharides-based product. The study continued for six months at the end of which the group saw an improvement in hair growth of at least 50 percent and a lessening of hair loss of at least 70 percent. (See Resources)
Because of their ability to retain moisture, shampoos such a "Folicure" containing mucopolysaccharides can give an immediate impression of thicker hair.
Other Benefits
Mucopolysaccharides are essential in the production of collagen and protein and are present in all body fluids, especially between joints. During the first decade of life they are present in the body in huge numbers which suggests that they are integral to growth. The amount of mucopolysaccharides in in the body decreases with age, hair growth slows, skin gradually loses its elasticity and joints stiffen. Dr Elson M Haas of the Preventive Medical Centre of Marin claims that taking mucopolysaccharides as a supplement will improve skin and all round mobility as well as increasing hair growth.
While there is compelling research into the efficacy of mucopolysaccharides for improving hair growth, everyone's genetic disposition is different and little can be done to change it. A people's lifestyle and age are also reflected in the condition of their hair.