Grants or Funding for Families That Need Home Health Care
Funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Access-A-Ride program transports people who are home-bound to shopping centers, medical facilities and government offices. Local government municipalities receive this funding annually. This program can be accessed by calling your local health and human services office.
Special Equipment Needs
Community non-profit groups receive grant funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide free medical equipment and installation of specialized equipment, such as shower stalls, special door handles and special shower seats for home-bound individuals and families. These grants are given to non-profit organizations that provide home health-care services. A listing of providers can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) office in your area.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels Association of America provides meals to senior citizens who are home-bound because of health-care issues. This program receives grant funding from federal, state and local resources for daily distribution of meals through non-profit providers. Meals on Wheels is also funded by business foundations and corporations to address senior nutrition. Information on this dynamic program can be found at the Meals on Wheels website,, which is linked in the Resources section.
Affordable Housing
Most families and individuals requiring home health care struggle with income and need affordable and accessible living facilities to keep their standard of living. Local housing authorities, which are financed through grants from HUD, provide opportunities for home-based clients to obtain residence in assisted living facilities in which the tenant pays only 30 percent of the rental cost while HUD pays 70 percent. Proof of income is needed. Information about this program can be obtained from HUD or your local housing authority.
Annual Grant for Home-care Services
In fiscal year 2009, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, allocated $27 million to states and various non-profit organizations for chronically ill elderly patients to manage their health in the independence of their homes. Your state health and human services organization has information on government initiatives in home health care.