How to Operate a Home Health Care Agency
Understand the state and federal regulations governing your business. Health care regulations are constantly changing and increasingly complex. Make time to study regulatory changes and keep notes on the changes that impact your business. Make sure your employees understand the regulations and guidelines they need to follow to keep your business in compliance. Plan training for your staff to ensure full understanding of agency policies.
Hire qualified employees. It is important to carefully screen your employees, as they will be the primary point of contact in some cases for people who are mentally or physically disabled. Run careful background checks and employment checks to make sure your employees are capable of handling a high level of responsibility. Look for employees experienced in nursing and caregiving. Schedule regular home visits for each of your clients to see there are no problems.
Develop a review protocol for employees and clients. This is a good way to make sure your home health care agency is functioning efficiently, and following proper procedure. Plan a monthly review with clients, their families, and members of your staff. Talk to clients and family members about any issues they have with your staff. Keep the lines of communication open with your staff to be aware of developing issues with clients. Investigate complaints carefully to ensure quality services.
Look into accreditation and certification for your home health care agency. These procedures give legitimacy to your business and can help increase your client base. Specific certification will be necessary to allow your agency to receive reimbursements from Medicare. Certification and accreditation require testing that involves you, members of your management structure and members of your staff. Certification also helps clients and their families recognize your services are safe and reliable. Ask medical professionals in your area to direct you to the most appropriate programs for your home health care agency.