How to Give a Sponge Bath to a Recuperating Adult
Things You'll Need
- Large basin or tub
- Sponge or washcloth
- Mild soap
- Plastic sheet or large towels
- Lotions, topical medication, or ointments, per doctor's orders
Gather your towels, soaps, and other materials before beginning the bath. This will ensure you do not have to leave the recuperating adult's bedside during the bathing process.
Place the adult on a plastic sheet or towels to prevent water from coming into contact with the bed. Towels will not provide as much protection as a plastic sheet, but they may be more comfortable.
Fill a large basin or other container with lukewarm water. You can make the water a little warmer or cooler, depending on the recuperating adult's preference. If you need to use soap, it is easiest to add a very small amount directly to the basin, and then use clean water to rinse.
Keep most areas of the body covered with a sheet or towel during the sponge bath. This will keep the adult warm. You must also keep any sutures or wounds covered.
Begin bathing the adult's face, head, and neck. Work your way down the body, bathing one side at a time.
Dry each body part very well before moving on to the next area. This is essential to keep the recuperating adult comfortable.
Turn the adult over onto his stomach in order to wash the back of the body. Be very careful when moving the adult if he is recovery from a surgical procedure or injury. Make certain the back is fully dry before returning the adult to his original position.
Apply lotion or other ointments once the skin is dry, and then redress the adult. Make certain you remove any wet sheets or towels from the bed.