How to Care For A Person After Having A Grand Mal Seizure
Things You'll Need
- Patience
- Helping Hand
- Cool Clothe
- Bed
- Epsom Salt
- Rubbing Alcohol
After having a grand mal seizure you experience 4 things confusion, exhaustion, muscle pain, and an overheated body. So first get them to a comfortable resting place preferably their bed. Get a cool damp clothe and dab on the person forehead and around their face and any body part that seems to be extremely hot as well. If any accidents occurred during the seizure clean that up as well and get them in some comfortable clothes.
After allowing them to rest and sleep, prepare a bath with epsom salt in it, so that they can soak their body to heal the muscle pain. When they are soaking in the bath tub be watchful you do not want another seizure to occur and the person drowns in the tub, so be very cautious. Sit close to the bathroom area and check periodically to see how they are doing.
After soaking in the bath tub, once they have dried off rub alcohol on their bodies they will need assistance because normally they are very tired and ready to go back to sleep to rest after little activity depending on how many seizures they have had. The body and brain are worn out and they need your help.