How to Use a Posey Gait Belt
Place the belt around the person's waist. This should always be done over clothing and never on bare skin. If you are placing the belt on a female, make sure that the belt is not on the breasts.
Secure the gait belt by placing the one end through the buckle with a buckle that appears to have teeth. The belt should be snug, but leave enough room to place your fingers inside the belt when lifting or moving a person. Place any left over belt into the other clip or tuck into the front of the gait between the belt and the body.
Stand on the side of the person. Choose your strongest arm for lifting. You will place your fingers under the gait belt from the bottom in an upward position. If you are on the individual's left side, use your right hand. If you are on the right side, use your left hand.
Use you free hand to hold onto the persons arm. Gently lift while the person is helping. For a person that is incapacitated, you should use two people, with one person on each side for a safer ambulation works the best.