How to Donate a Wheel Chair
Things You'll Need
- Internet access
Check to be sure your old or used wheelchair is in working order. If not, make any necessary repairs and clean the seat and frame with soap and water before donating it.
Visit a site like (see Resources) and request its guide for donating a wheelchair. You will get instructions on dropping off or shipping and tax information should you choose to write off your donation.
Encourage others to give. Wheelchair Foundation also gives information about ways you can hold your own fundraiser to allow others in your area to donate their unneeded wheelchairs.
Donate your wheelchair to a local Goodwill store. There are usually locations throughout town where you can drop off your unwanted items. They will then be sold for drastically lower prices than items bought new. Plus, Goodwill helps lower-income families and individuals with finding work to help them get on their feet.
Offer your wheelchair on an online classifieds site like Go the to "Free" section and post the wheelchair for no cost. When someone who needs it finds your ad, she will email you to schedule pick up or drop off.