Home Health Aide Job Descriptions
Personal Care
In some cases, home health aides will need to assist the patient with her personal grooming needs. There are also patients who require complete care, such as those who are bedridden.
Home health aides will prepare meals for the patient while they are in the home, as well as prepare meals ahead for the patient that can be warmed when the patient is alone.
Prepare Medications
Many patients have pill boxes that are labeled with each day of the week. The home health aide will often prepare their pills for them according to the medications needed per day; this alleviates any confusion for the patient.
Change Bed linens
If the patient's bed linens are soiled or the patient requests that they be changed, the home health aide will do this for the patient. In addition, aides may wash any clothes the patient needs to have washed.
Assist With Toileting
Home health aides will assist the patient with toileting if necessary. This helps prevent any accidents or falls from occurring that may cause injury to the patient.