How to Buy a Mobility Scooter
Know what you are looking for beforehand. Decide before you begin shopping which features are especially important to you, such as portability, battery life and weight of the scooter. This will help you narrow down your search once you begin.
Shop using multiple sources. If you live in an area where there is not a mobility scooter dealer near you, you may have to resort to shopping online. This may ultimately be a more economical option than buying your scooter at a health care store anyway, as many retailers mark up their prices to increase profit. Buying a scooter directly from a manufacturer may allow you to eliminate this added expense.
Assess your travel plans. Pinpoint the places you are most likely to need your mobility scooter. You may need the scooter to help maneuver around your home and plan on riding it whenever you need to move around, or you may just need it when shopping or going out. These details are important when deciding the size and weight of your ideal scooter.
Consider all your options. There is a large variety of scooter models available and you should look at all of their features closely. Most scooters come with three or four wheels, with the three-wheeled model being advantageous to people who need to maneuver in small spaces such as apartments. Some models are also lightweight and specifically designed to fold up and be carried in a car trunk. This may be beneficial to you if you plan to travel with your scooter.
Try out the merchandise if possible. If you shop for your scooter at a retail store, many of them have floor models on display that you will be able to test. Trying out the scooter by riding the floor model will allow you to determine whether it is comfortable and whether you feel safe operating it.
Ask about billing options. If you are acquiring the scooter out of medical necessity, many pharmacies and health care equipment providers may be able to bill your purchase to an insurance provider, thus lowering your out-of-pocket expense. Inquire about these options prior to your purchase.
Remember the warranty. Most mechanical health care equipment like mobility scooters and medical lift chairs come with lifetime warranties on their engines or mechanical parts and limited warranties on things like fabric or brakes. Find out the details about what is and what is not covered under the warranty of the scooter you plan to purchase.
Purchase the mobility scooter that you feel comfortable operating and that fits your budget.