How to Clean Ventilator Circuits
Things You'll Need
- 2 containers
- Mild disinfectant detergent or soap
- Small scrub brush or toothbrush
- Warm, distilled water
- White vinegar
Disinfect your hands, work area and two containers with a mild disinfectant detergent or soap, and rinse them thoroughly.
Detach the ventilator circuit from the ventilator gently, and set it aside.
Dilute the mild disinfectant detergent or soap in water in one of the containers you disinfected, and use the solution to scrub the ventilator circuit gently with a small scrub brush or toothbrush to remove debris. After scrubbing, remove the ventilator circuit from the solution, and set it aside.
Mix equal parts of warm, distilled water and white vinegar in the second container you disinfected. Make enough of the solution to submerge the ventilator circuit.
Place the ventilator circuit in the warm, distilled water-vinegar solution, and allow the ventilator to soak in the solution for at least 30 minutes.
Remove the ventilator circuit from the warm, distilled water-vinegar solution, and rinse it thoroughly with warm, distilled water. Allow the ventilator circuit to dry completely before returning the circuit to the ventilator.