How to Benefit From Hospice Care
Understand that hospice care allows a person with a terminal illness to receive care at home. A patient can live the rest of his life comfortably at home, while family, friends and hospice staff care for him. Hospice benefits include medical care that the patient still needs, such as pain and symptom management. You don't have to be bedridden to receive hospice care. Services include help with bathing, eating, dressing and much more.
Save money using hospice care. Most of the time, the cost for patients to use hospice care in their homes during their final months is less expensive than staying in a hospital.
Accept any help or programs that the hospice team makes available for the family. In addition to the cost, patients and their families need emotional counseling. Hospice often even provides this service to the family after their loved one has passed away.
Feel comforted knowing that hospice staff know how to deal with terminal illness and death. Unfortunately, doctors in hospitals usually don't have this training. They save lives, whereas hospice care makes the lives of people with terminal illness as comfortable as possible.
Know that hospices often provide education to patients' families and the public about how to deal with death and grief. Because almost everyone has known or will know someone with a terminal illness, many people can benefit from this service.
Remember that hospice programs don't discriminate. Age, sex, religion, health issue, ethnicity, sexual orientation or inability to pay doesn't affect your ability to receive hospice benefits.