What is hospice movement?
Rather than focusing solely on curing an illness, hospice aims to alleviate suffering and provide physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual comfort to patients and their loved ones.
Key principles of the hospice movement include:
1. Respect for patient autonomy and dignity: The patient's wishes and preferences are paramount in hospice care.
Patients have the right to make informed decisions about their care and to participate in their own care plan.
2. Interdisciplinary team approach: Hospice care involves a team of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers, counselors, spiritual care providers, and volunteers, working together to meet the patient's needs.
3. Symptom management and pain control: One of the primary goals of hospice is to manage symptoms and provide relief from pain and other distressing symptoms, to ensure the patient's comfort and well-being.
4. Emotional and spiritual support: Hospice recognizes the emotional and spiritual aspects of end-of-life care and offers support to patients and their families to help them cope with the challenges and stressors associated with serious illness and dying.
5. Family involvement: The patient's family is considered an integral part of the hospice team and is actively involved in the patient's care.
Hospice provides various forms of support to family members, including emotional support, respite care, and education.
6. Holistic care: Hospice care addresses the whole person, not just the physical aspects of illness.
This includes providing emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual support, as well as attention to the patient's environment, relationships, and quality of life.
7. Palliative care focus: Hospice care focuses on palliative care, which aims to relieve suffering and improve quality of life for patients with serious or life-limiting illnesses, regardless of whether or not they are actively pursuing curative treatments.
The hospice movement has had a significant influence on end-of-life care and has contributed to the development of palliative care as a specialty.