How long does a person stay in Hospice?
Hospice care is generally provided for individuals who have a life expectancy of six months or less if their illness follows its usual course. However, some people may stay in hospice for longer periods if their condition stabilizes or if they experience periods of improvement. On the other hand, some individuals may pass away sooner than anticipated, resulting in a shorter hospice stay.
The average length of stay in hospice varies from country to country and among different hospice providers. According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) in the United States, the median length of stay in hospice is approximately 21 days. However, many individuals stay for shorter or longer durations.
It's important to note that hospice is not just about the final days of life. The focus of hospice care is on improving the quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses and providing support to both the patient and their family members. The goal is to help individuals live as comfortably and as fully as possible during their remaining time.