How to Locate VA Medical Centers
Visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' website (see Resources).
Scroll over the "Locations" tab at the top of the page. Select "Hospitals and Clinics" from the drop-down menu and click.
Browse the options listed along the left side of the screen. These options include "Facilities by State" and "Facility Listing." If you know the name of a VA facility but need additional information about it, click on the latter option. Otherwise, click on the "Facilities by State" link.
Click on the name of the state in which you are looking for a VA hospital.
Look at the list of VA facilities in the state you selected. Facilities will be grouped into categories, including medical centers, outpatient clinics and vet centers; medical centers will be listed first. Click on the medical center about which you want to learn.
Contact the VA by phone if you do not have Internet access. The VA's toll free number for health care benefit information is 877-222-8387.