What are the JCAHO standards for hospital accreditation?
1. Leadership:
- Governance.
- Leadership.
2. Rights of Patients:
- Communication.
- Pain Management.
- Cultural Competency.
3. Patient Safety:
- Patient Identification.
- Medication Management.
- Prevention of Medical Errors.
- Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACs).
- Infection Prevention and Control.
- Emergency Preparedness.
4. Human Resources:
- Human Resource Management.
- Licensure and Credentialing.
- Education and Training.
- Competency Assessment and Improvement.
5. Quality of Care:
- Performance Measurement.
- Patient Care Assessment and Improvement.
- Infection Control and Prevention.
- Risk Management.
6. Facility Management:
- Building Safety and Security.
- Environment of Care.
- Equipment Maintenance and Safety.
- Disaster Planning.
7. Information Management:
- Patient Information Management.
- Information Technology.
8. Medical Staff:
- Medical Staff Organization.
- Clinical Care.
- Quality of Care.
- Professional Conduct.
9. Quality Improvement:
- Quality Improvement Program.
- Performance Measurement.
- Patient Safety Goals.
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI).