Class diagram for hospital management system?
[Image of a class diagram for a hospital management system]
The class diagram shows the main classes involved in a hospital management system, including:
* Patient: Represents a patient of the hospital.
* Doctor: Represents a doctor working at the hospital.
* Nurse: Represents a nurse working at the hospital.
* Appointment: Represents an appointment between a patient and a doctor.
* Prescription: Represents a prescription issued by a doctor to a patient.
* MedicalRecord: Represents a medical record of a patient.
* Hospital: Represents the hospital itself.
The relationships between these classes are as follows:
* A Patient can have multiple Appointments with different Doctors.
* A Doctor can have multiple Appointments with different Patients.
* A Nurse can assist in multiple Appointments.
* A Prescription is issued by a Doctor to a Patient.
* A MedicalRecord belongs to a Patient.
* A Hospital has many Doctors, Nurses, Patients, Appointments, Prescriptions, and MedicalRecords.
This class diagram provides a high-level overview of the entities and relationships involved in a hospital management system. It can be expanded and refined to include more details and specific requirements of a particular system.