How to Improve Nursing Work Flow in a Hospital Setting
The medical staff in a hospital should be able to provide timely, appropriate and accurate health care to all patients. Hospital management puts systems in place to achieve these objectives. One such system involves work flow. If the medical staff does not have a consistent work flow, it can create an ongoing pattern of problems for the staff and patients. An important element of quality medical care is efficient nursing work flow in the hospital setting.Instructions
Assign nurses to specific positions based on their education, skills and experience. This enables them to better address the needs of the patients. A nurse with training in obstetrics works better, and more efficiently, in gynecology or labor and delivery, while a nurse trained in diagnostics works better in radiology. If the nursing staff feels overwhelmed by responsibilities and expectations beyond their skills or training, it could slow or temporarily stall the nursing work flow and undermine patient care.
Increase the number of work stations throughout the floor. Nurses must monitor patients and be prepared for times when their patients need help quickly. Placing work stations throughout each floor helps speed care to patients. The closer the station, the quicker help arrives. This also helps to relieve pressure on the nursing staff and make patients feel more secure.
Record data electronically. The nursing staff is responsible for documenting the necessary information regarding patients and their medical treatments and medicinal dosages. Providing quality computer software and other up-to-date technological equipment helps to create a better work flow by making document retrieval faster and more convenient for both doctors and nurses.
Provide educational training for the nursing staff. When new computer software or programs take effect, nurses must understand how to use or maneuver through them without making errors. Many nurses need a refresher course in computers and software. Not only does this training help nurses work faster and more efficiently, but it gives them greater confidence, which also tends to improve nursing work flow.
Listen to the needs and concerns of the staff. Talk to the nurses and ask them for suggestions or needs that have not been met. They may tell you of problems that hinder the work flow. Giving nurses the opportunity to become involved helps to keep them satisfied with their work while promoting a more healthier and more positive environment for both patients and staff.