Changes in Psychiatric Nursing Related to Information Technology
EMRs are an electronic record of health information that provide all patient information in one, easily transferable chart. Eliminating or reducing paper records is particularly beneficial to shift workers as information can easily be forgotten or communicated incorrectly during times of sleep deprivation. Barcode scanners for pharmaceutical management use scanning technology as a method of ensuring medication dispenses is appropriate.
Psychiatric patients have illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression. Receiving the appropriate amount of medication, the right medication and at the best time is important for all patients but especially for psychiatric patients. Their safety often depends on reliable medication. Nursing teams can enhance this care through new barcode systems. EMRs can also assist nursing teams in psychiatric hospitals through providing a reliable record of patient history and need.
Although technology is advancing care for patients, new technology is not without negative aspects. Dispensers for medication may dispense the wrong medication or cause new errors. New technologies need monitoring and appropriate documentation.