Display Boards for Nursing Projects
One idea for a nursing project display board is a nutrition board. Create a design using construction paper and a host of other elements -- plastic fruit cut in half -- for decoration. Choose a food theme and incorporate photographs of different types of food. Another idea is to do the ABC's of nutrition and use a different theme for each letter. Enhance the look of the board by using templates found online. If you need to hand out information to onlookers, affix an envelope containing the handouts to the board and post a copy of the information on the envelope. Label it with a "please take one" sign. For instance if the project is about educating people in a certain region or age group about nutrition (for instance pregnant teens, the elderly or impoverished neighborhoods) include fact sheets about the demographic outlining the project's goal.
Infectious Diseases
An informative display board for a nursing project on infectious diseases can be brought together with a tropical vacation theme. Create a beach scene with palm trees, sand and water and include a history of infectious diseases for different tropical locations. Include tips for prevention and information concerning vaccinations. Add a section pertaining to treatment options for each disease. Hepatitis is an example of a topic you can display during vacation season as it is commonly caught in developing countries and transferred through food and drinks.
Current Trends
Display boards for projects concerning current trends are a quick way to keep staff and students up to date on information. Keep the information concise and legible. Color and decoration should be used sparingly to allow the information to shine while still garnering interest from passerby. One idea is to do a "now and then" themed board. Choose photographs and information to outline the procedure that has changed and juxtapose each point on the other side of the board. Use graphics and color to make parallel lines between each point. Another project for display might be flu shot procedures or locations.