How to Make General Objectives in the Surgical Ward
Meet with your immediate supervisor and express your desire to establish objectives for your surgical ward. Tell him that you would like to establish clearly stated goals for yourself and your co-workers to work toward as a team. Explain that you think having objectives will help the ward improve its patient services and establish it as a professional medical facility.
Hold a meeting with your co-workers to discuss ideas for your objectives. Brainstorm a list of about 15 possibilities. Your ideas could include such statements as "Provide the highest-quality surgical care in the region," "Provide continuing health education to our post-operative patients," or "Practice good communication among ourselves to promote positive work relationships."
Vote on your objectives. Ask each co-worker to select his top five choices from the list of 15 that you have generated. You can ask your co-workers to cast their votes by writing them down on pieces of paper and turning them in before they leave the meeting, or you can set up a voting station in your employee break room later so that they have time to think about their selections. Allow them to cast their ballots privately and anonymously. Print copies of your list and leave them next to a box with a hole cut in its top in the break room. Post instructions, and set a deadline for turning in ballots.
Tally the votes and announce which five objectives have been selected. Print them and give copies to your co-workers. Post the objectives around the surgical ward so that your co-workers and patients will see them frequently and be reminded of the goals you've set.