What Can a Neurologist Test?
A neurologist is a kind of doctor who is trained to diagnose and treat problems with the human nervous system. This could include treatment for diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.
Neurological Tests
Usually when neurologists perform tests, they examine the nerves in the head and neck, the strength and movement of muscles, balance and reflexes, as well as sensation, memory, speech and other cognitive abilities. In order to perform some examinations correctly, a doctor may use X-rays, conduct nerve biopsies, spinal taps, magnetic resonance imaging, and electrodiagnostic tests to measure activity in the nerve and muscles.
Neurological Conditions
Some conditions that a neurologist may test for include brain tumors and infections. A neurological doctor may also search for symptoms of diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, and epilepsy.