How to Read a Physician's Balance Beam Scale
Stand on the scale's platform with feet flat and weight evenly distributed. Do not rock, sway or put more weight on one foot than the other. This can cause inaccurate readings.
Move the bottom weight up to around the 100-pound marking. This larger weight measures in increments from 50 pounds to 100 pounds, depending on the scale. It is helpful to know an approximate weight before stepping on the scale to determine this initial setting. For example, if you have averaged around 110 pounds in the past, go ahead and set the weight to 100 pounds. If you have averaged over 200, however, move the weight over to the 200-pound marking.
Adjust the smaller weight on the top beam. This weight measures in increments as low as one pound and can be used to fine-tune the measurement. Move the weight until the protruding metal tab on the right side of the scale begins to balance itself.
Nudge the smaller weight on top to the left or right until the metal tab on the right is in balance. The scale is in balance when the metal tab is completely level.
Read the weight on the scale. Note the weight setting on the lower, heavier weight. Then, add that amount to the weight setting on the higher, lighter weight. For example, if the scale is balanced with the lower weight at the 100-pound marker and the higher weight at the 74-pound mark, the total weight would be 174 pounds.