How do I Find a Physician or Hospital in Oklahoma?
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Pen and paper
- Insurance information
Decide what are the most important elements of your health care and write them down. What conditions, if any, do you have? What medications, if any, do you take? Do you need special care for mental health or disabilities? How far are you willing or able to travel for medical care? Would you prefer a doctor of a specific gender? Do you need a doctor that speaks a particular language, or a translator?
Call your health insurance provider for information about covered care. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (see link below) has information on the types of insurance offered in the state, as well as a list of doctors and hospitals. When you call your insurance company, ask about the services you wrote down. Check in the booklet your insurance provider sent when you signed up, or at the list online. Determine which are the participating doctors.
Look at the list of hospitals in Oklahoma. If your insurance provider suggested a specific hospital for you, click on its link for directions and phone numbers. Call the hospital for information about different doctors and to set up an appointment.
Go to your first appointment with the new doctor. If it's a good fit, you will feel comfortable and relaxed, your needs will be met, and you'll be able to communicate well. If those things don't happen, find a new doctor. It's most important that you feel safe and under good care.