Is Donating Blood Plasma Safe?
All donations that occur in IQPP certified centers are performed in sterile conditions by trained medical professionals. All contaminated equipment is only used once before being discarded, eliminating the possibility of transmitting viruses.
Is It Painful?
The experience of donating plasma is similar to that of donating blood. Patients may feel a mild sting when the venipuncture needle is inserted into their arm.
Finger Stick
A light finger stick is necessary to draw a few drops of blood to be sure protein and hematocrit levels are appropriate for donation.
Whole blood is collected from the donor, and the plasma is separated through a process called plasmapheresis. Red blood cells and other components of the blood are then pumped back into the body, in addition to a replacement saline solution.
Medical Screening
IQPP certified centers require donor education and donor screening for viruses such as Hepatitis and HIV. Most centers in the U.S. require a pre-donation physical and completion of an extensive medical questionnaire.