How to Access a Port With a Huber Needle
Things You'll Need
- Huber needle
- 10 cc syringes pre-filled with normal saline
- extra normal saline
- central line dressing kit
- small transparent dressing
- sterile gloves
- mask
Prepare Equipment
Before beginning, wash your hands. Since the port is in a major blood vessel, aseptic technique minimizes the risk of infection. Placing the Huber needle is a sterile procedure. Wear a mask while performing this procedure. Don sterile gloves and open central line kit, using the inside as a sterile field.
Open Huber needle packaging and place needle in sterile field, being careful not to touch any non-sterile surface with any part of needle. Attach a 10cc syringe of normal saline to end of tubing attached to needle. Flush until tubing is primed with saline.
Palpate the implanted port for the center of the port. The insertion site feels spongy. After identifying insertion site, don sterile gloves. Clean the insertion site with chlorahexidine swab or as per your facility's protocol. Begin at the center, working outward. Allow the site to dry thoroughly.
Accesing Port
Remove needle guard from Huber needle. Place two fingers on either side of port site with non-dominant hand to stabilize skin around port. Holding the needle with the other hand, grasp the flexible "wings" using the thumb and middle finger. Firmly insert the needle at a 90 degree angle until you feel the end of the needle hit the back of the port.
Carefully release the needle, warning the patient to lie still as needle is not secure. Attach a 10cc syringe of normal saline to end of tubing. Pull back and aspirate to confirm blood return. Flush tubing using all of normal saline syringe. Secure the needle per your facility's policy. Some facilities may not allow tape to be used. Cover site with transparent dressing, ensuring that entire site is covered.
Mark dressing with date, time, and your initials in designated area on dressing. Clamp tubing if no infusion or medications are to be given; otherwise, attach IV tubing and begin infusion. Clear away trash, disposing of syringes and any sharps in approved sharps container. Wash your hands and document the port access in the patient's chart. Monitor the site and flush per your facility's guidelines.