Hospital Scrub Uniform Requirements
A clean scrub needs to be worn each day. Some hospitals keep scrubs on site and launder them daily. Other facilities require you to keep your scrubs at home and launder them yourself. In this case, on needs to have multiple scrubs so that each day a freshly washed pair can be worn. Scrubs that get soiled during a work day must be changed immediately. Hospital workers are also expected to maintain adequate personal hygiene and men are often required to shave. Finger nails must be kept clean, trimmed and unpainted.
Size and Style
Scrubs should be fitted to fit you comfortably, and should not be to tight or to baggy, as this can interfere with work and procedure and reflect poorly on the hospital. Scrubs should cover the chest area and the stomach.
Scrubs shirts and pants or skirts need to be the same color. Many hospitals use color-coding based on what department you work for. Other facilities allow staff to choose their own colors and patterns. Often surgeons are required to wear either green or blue.
Hospital workers are typically not allowed to wear excessive jewelry as jewelry can get caught in machinery or cause distraction during procedures. Hospital workers also cannot have long, manicured nails or have press-on nails as nails can interfere with work as well as collect and spread bacteria and infection. Many hospitals also ask that you refrain from wearing perfume or cologne.
Hospital workers cannot wear open-toe shoes or sandals. It is best to have a pair of comfortable, plain tennis shoes just for wearing while on duty. Many hospitals require white shoes and white socks.
Under/Outer Wear
Typically workers are allowed to wear cotton t-shirts under the scrub shirt. If wearing a scrub skirt, nylons need to be worn. Polyester or a similar lint-free jacket can be worn over scrubs, but sweaters, fleece and any other lint producing type material cannot, as lint can also store and spread bacteria. Jackets should not have symbols, words or emblems that are offensive or profane. When workers are in surgery or in a situation where they may be splashed with bodily fluids, they are required to wear a goretex or other surgical barrier-type gown over the scrubs as well as a head cap and a facemask.
Where and When to Wear
Scrubs should only be worn while on duty, while on a hospital-related outing or while at a hospital function.