Substitutes for Tegaderm
Athletic Tape
Athletic tape has been used in place of Tegaderm by emergency room nurses and diabetics who use permanent injection sites. According to, athletic tape, as well as other forms of paper tape, have been used for I.V. injection sites. The opaqueness of the tape makes it difficult to monitor the sites for infection. This poses a greater health risk if I.V fluids are to be administered in the long term.
Sterile Gauze
According to, sterile gauze has been used in place of Tegaderm over injection sites. The gauze is then wrapped in adhesive tape, providing a sterile environment for the injection. While this still presents the problem of active monitoring for infection, it does reduce the likelihood that an infection will occur.
Skin Adhesives
According to, a community of diabetes sufferers run by the Diabetes Hands Foundation, some have found success using Mastisol skin adhesive and Skin Tac as alternatives to Tegaderm. These substances function as a "skin glue" applied in liquid form. As the compound dries it forms an air-tight bond around wounds and injection sites.