How to Clean Hospital Beds
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Water
- Disposable rubber gloves
- Face mask
- Sterile cleaning cloths
- Hospital grade germicidal spray
- Compressed air can
Wash your hands and arms with soap and hot water. It is important to begin any cleaning and sterilization process with clean hands. Although you will put the rubber gloves on next, clean hands and arms will help prevent any sort of spread of germs you may carry. Put on your face mask as well.
Unplug all of the electrical equipment that is hooked up to the bed. Remove the plugs from the wall, not from the bed itself. You want to eliminate any risk of electrical shock or damaging the electrical equipment.
Spray a light mist of germicidal spray onto a sterile, clean cloth. You do not want to soak it because it will take longer to dry once applied to the bed. Gently wipe down all electrical devices and the arms of the bed, if they exist.
Remove the mattress from the bed. Most hospital mattresses are waterproof so they can be cleaned and reused without the risk of bacteria growing on them. Spray the entire mattress with the germicidal spray and allow it to dry.
Use the can of compressed air to blow any dust off of the bed frame and any crevices. Wipe off the entire frame with a dry, sterile cloth to remove any excess germicide that has not yet dried.
Place the mattress back onto the bed, and plug all of the electronic devices back into the walls. Make the bed with clean linens.