What Is Code Red in Medical Terminology?
Hospitals may declare themselves in a code red situation when the hospital has so many patients that they have reached their carrying capacity, at least for the time being.
Alternative Use
Alternatively, some hospitals are known to use the term code red for when a person enters with cardiopulmonary arrest (a heart attack), according to MedicineNet.com.
For code reds when the hospital reaches its patient limit, the hospital will take critical-care patients first. For a heart attack, the hospital may assign people to a code red team, which gathers when someone notifies members of a code red alert.
Each hospital has its own way of declaring a code red. Some may announce it over a public speaker system; others may pass the message through a beeper or special alert system.
People should not get caught up in the exact meaning of the term "code red" in a hospital. Medical staff have their own systems and are trained to respond to emergencies. In addition, code reds are common in other places or for other reasons, such as for a bomb threat, a fire or other emergency situation.