Professional Nursing Philosophy
At its core, the professional philosophy of nursing reflects the desired approach to patient care within an organization. At Bloomington (Indiana) Hospital, for example, nurses follow a holistic approach to lessen the effects of illness and provide comfort and healing.
A professional philosophy of nursing reflects how nursing is viewed within the organization. At the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City, nursing is described as both an art and a science dedicated to improving the well being of patients.
A shared philosophy of nursing keeps everyone on the same page when decisions are made about patient care. The philosophy statement for nurses at The Miriam Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island clearly states nursing is a unique discipline that delivers care based on the nursing process.
Ultimately, a professional philosophy of nursing ensures that patients and their families receive the very best possible care from a cohesive group of professional nurses.
When the underlying nursing philosophy is clearly-stated, nurses have a valid framework for making the difficult decisions that are part of everyday professional practice.