How to Study for CCRN
Obtain Study Materials
Print out a copy of the AACN Certification Corporation Certification Handbook at and keep it handy as you prepare to take the exam. The handbook lists the subject areas on the test and includes specific pathologies and skills (such as ventilator management and ABG analysis) under each of those subject areas. For example, the cardiovascular component makes up 32 percent of the exam and includes acute myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery and heart failure. Knowing the percentage of the exam that each subject area constitutes will help you prioritize your study time. Only 3 percent of the exam is composed of questions related to hematology/oncology. If that happens to be your specialty, you would do well to focus on the areas in which you have less expertise and that constitute a greater proportion of the exam.
Refer to the recommended reference materials in the Certification Handbook at and obtain the books and other reference materials that will help you improve your knowledge in areas in which you lack expertise. If you need work in heart and lung sounds, purchase a set of DVDs to listen to and sharpen these skills.
Order a copy of the most current AACN Core Curriculum for Critical Care Nursing and a set of practice exam questions, which can be purchased online at
Set Dates
Set a target date for taking the exam.
Search for available exam dates in your area.
Select a date to take the exam and register for the exam.
Set dates for completing study of each chapter in the Core Curriculum. Give yourself time to read the Core Curriculum a second time before the exam, take the practice exam twice and attend at least one CCRN review course.
Study the Core Curriculum
Read the Core Curriculum, chapter by chapter. Give yourself time to think about the information and as you read, try to think of examples of patients you have cared for that have had the various pathologies described.
Make a written note of topics that you need more information about while studying the Core Curriculum.
Read articles and books and attend seminars on these topics you have identified for further study.
Attend Educational Offerings
Be a sponge and soak up everything you can as you prepare to sit for the exam. Go to every in-service and conference, workshop and seminar you can. Attend grand rounds. Read critical care journals, especially "Critical Care Nurse." Study the diseases, injuries, trauma and surgeries that you encounter in your daily practice. Classes in hemodynamics, advanced or 12-lead ECG, arterial blood gas analysis and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) are helpful.
Attend at least one CCRN review course. You may benefit from taking at least two review courses, one to identify where your knowledge gaps are after reading and studying the Core Curriculum and a second one as a review before taking the exam.
Study the materials you receive from CCRN review courses following completion of each course.
Take the Practice Exam
Make a copy of the set of practice exam questions and take the practice exam.
Review your answers.
Study the subjects where you identified a knowledge gap.
Re-read the AACN Core Curriculum for Critical Care Nursing.
Use your second copy of the set of practice exam questions to retake the exam.
Some people find study groups helpful. Having someone ask you questions and verbalizing what you know can help you identify areas for further study. Teaching others is helpful for clarifying your understanding of key concepts and aiding recall. Be selective about your study partners, however, so you are not the one doing all the coaching and teaching. The ideal study group is a small number of individuals who are equally prepared to take the exam. Use the Core Curriculum or a test question study packet to ask questions of each other.