Why Do Hospitals Use Microscopes?
In the 1600s, Robert Hooke (now known as the father of microscopy) discovered that living things were composed of cells while looking at a piece of cork under his primitive microscope. Since that time, microscopes have become increasingly sophisticated and capable of seeing even smaller things. They are now indispensable instruments in many areas of health care.
Many disease-causing organisms are microscopic. Hospitals routinely take samples from patients in an attempt to identify these microscopic organisms, which allows them to prescribe the appropriate medication. Bacterial cells are identified by shape, size and configuration. They are also identified using different staining techniques (such as Gram's staining). Each of these methods of identification requires the use of a microscope.
Cells within body tissues all have characteristic shapes, sizes and configurations. Within hospitals, doctors can take samples of cells to determine whether the cells are functioning properly. Biopsies are small pieces of tissue from any part of the body that are taken for the purpose of examining them microscopically. These tissues are fixed, sliced and mounted on slides before being viewed by a pathologist to determine whether diseases such as cancer are present. Blood counts can also be performed microscopically. The number of red blood cells can indicate anemia or an individual's level of fitness. If white blood cells are elevated, it can indicate infection. Furthermore, there are several classes of white blood cells, and elevation of any one type can indicate a specific type of affliction. For instance, a high number of basophils can indicate an allergic reaction. Sperm counts can be performed microscopically in the manner similar to blood cell counting.
There are several types of microscopes that can be used by a hospital. Compound light microscopes are the most common type. The images are two dimensional, and are magnifed through a series of lenses and illuminated from a light source. These microscopes can magnify images up to 1000 times, but can have low resolution at these high magnifications.
Electron microscopes are also available, but are very costly to own and operate. The images are of very high quality and can be magnifed many more times than traditional light microscopes. In this type of microscope, images are coated in gold and electrons bounce off to give an external view in black and white. These images are three dimensional.
Microscopists, or histologists, require much training. Attempting to diagnose a condition using a microscope without proper training may result in false information and faulty conclusions.