About the Importance of Radiology
Radiology began with the invention of the X-ray machine in 1895. Though before this date others had seen x-ray images, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen of Germany was the first to recognize the importance of the images he saw. Roentgen discovered the x-ray by accident while performing experiments with vacuum tubes. The first x-ray picture ever was taken of his wife's hand just a few weeks later. In 1901, Roentgen won the Noble Prize for Physics for his work on the x-ray machine. Today, he is considered the father of modern diagnostic radiology.
History of
Since Roentgen's discovery of the x-ray in 1895, the field of radiology has greatly evolved. Very quickly after the invention of the x-ray, radiation began being used for cancer therapy. For the first 50 years of radiology, the x-ray, or plain radiography, was the only type of radiology available. In the 1930s, tomography, which allows picture of small slices of the body to be photographed, was developed. Tomography was the main pillar of diagnostic radiology until 1972 when Sir Godfry Hounsfield of Great Britain invented computer tomography (CT) imaging. Ultrasound technology became available around the same time providing 2-D images, and, eventually 3-D images. Radiological imaging is constantly evolving as computer technology advances. Teleradiology, the transmission of radiological images from one place to another, allows images taken one place to be read by a radiologist is another. This new technology allows physicians to get consultations from radiologist specializing in a certain conditions.
Radiology provides many benefits for patients and physicians. Basic radiology, like x-rays, allow physicians to see bones and surrounding body parts in order to make a diagnosis, watch the progression of an injury or illness, and guide procedures. Other radiological equipment such as CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds allows physicians to see body tissue in real time. Pictures from CT scans and MRIs can be used to diagnose problems with brain or joint tissues. Ultrasounds are commonly used to monitor pregnancy, but can also be used as a diagnostic tool. A major benefit of radiology is that the procedures do not typically involve much risk. They are relatively painless, fast and non-invasive.
Risk Factors
While radiology is relatively safe, there are certain risk factors that accompany all medical procedures. Radiology involves the use of radiation, and therefore, has risk associated with exposure to radiation. Rarely, this exposure can lead to cancer. The risk of developing cancer from a radiology procedure is very small since the amount of radiation a person receives during a procedure is small compared to the amount of radiation a person receives each year from the sun and particles in the soil. Some procedures, such as MRIs, require a person to be in a confined space. Rarely, claustrophobia prevents a person from being able to finish the procedure. All radiation procedures can be more dangerous for women who are pregnant. Fetuses can suffer illness and deformity if exposed to excess radiation. Any woman who believes she might be pregnant should tell her physician before undergoing a radiological procedure.
Radiology is divided into two fields: diagnostic and therapeutic radiology. Diagnostic radiology is used to diagnose conditions and utilizes many different forms of imaging. This form of radiology helps doctors to diagnose and treat conditions by allowing them to look inside the human body. Therapeutic radiology is a separate field which utilizes radiology for to help treat cancer and other medical conditions. This form of radiology can help treat and even cure various forms of cancer. It is also used to treat medical conditions where the immune system attacks the body.