Preceptor & Preceptorial Learning Activities
Preceptorial Sectors
The American Heritage Dictionary defines preceptorship as a period of practical experience and training for a student, especially of medicine or nursing, that is supervised by an expert or specialist in a particular field. In healthcare, one way to categorize preceptor and preceptorial learning activities is according to the following sections: orientation, teaching, and feedback.
Orientation is a very important step is the preceptorship. During this period, the parameters of the program are identified and preceptors get to know preceptees. Prior to orientation, send out welcome packets with orientation schedule, organization information and necessary forms. During the opening discussion, inform attendees about community and organization. Break for lunch and station stops, including risk management, patient safety and infection prevention. Set up areas for IDs, parking passes and other starting materials.
Before starting preceptorial activities, the preceptor should meet with preceptees to further clarify roles, formation goals and assessments and meeting schedule. Employ active learning using case studies, small break-out groups, multimedia presentations. Use video for selected sessions and introduce your preceptees to telemedicine and HIT systems in the hospital. Present preceptorial groups with session objectives, discuss information, supervision on performance and provide residents/fellows with feedback. Inform students of opportunities including medical associations. This is useful for foreign residents/fellows when integrating into a new medical system. Conduct mini-conference post rounds to discuss patient condition, performance and procedures.
Feedback and Recognition
Provide periodic feedback regarding their performance, patient interaction skills, developmental progression of knowledge, application of medical knowledge and attitude. In cases where resident/fellow exhibits certain deficiencies in performance, direct communication is recommended. Residency/fellowship can be stressful at times, so scheduling regular, unstructured confidential follow-ups may be beneficial to ensuring the stress and psychosocial levels remaining in check. Conduct biannual performance feedback sessions. During sessions, discuss overall challenges and achievements. For preceptorials of sufficient length, press releases are a great way to acknowledge preceptees.