The Difference Between Negative or Positive Air Room Pressure
Negative Pressure Isolation Rooms
In a hospital, patients with communicable diseases, especially airborne ones, are kept in isolation rooms. In order to ensure the safety of other patients, staff and visitors, it is important that the isolation room contain negative air pressure. This will keep any germs from entering the general airflow. A specially designed ventilation system installed in isolation rooms keeps contaminated air from escaping. In a well-functioning negative pressure room, air is drawn into the room only through a half-inch gap under the door. Windows, light fixtures and outlets are specially sealed so that air only exits the room through the filtered ventilation system.
Negative Pressure Isolation Stations
In some laboratories, staff members working with potentially hazardous materials may use a negative pressure station. Directly above their work space, a special ventilation system will draw the air away and through a HEPA filter specifically designed to keep other workers, both in the room and in the building, safe from exposure to any hazardous fumes or air-borne byproducts.
Testing for Negative Pressure
A simple smoke test can ensure that a negative pressure room is working properly. To perform this test, close the door to the isolation room and stand in the corridor outside the door. Using a smoke tube, hold the bottom of the tube near the bottom of the door, 2-inches away from the front of the door. Gently squeeze the bulb to release a stream of smoke. It is important that the smoke flow slowly from the tube so that the velocity of the smoke does not overpower the velocity of the air in the corridor. If the negative pressure room is functioning properly, the smoke will be drawn under the door and into the room. If the smoke remains stationary or is blown outward, negative pressure has not been established.
Positive Pressure Isolation Rooms
Positive pressure isolation rooms are designed to keep a vulnerable patient in isolation safe from contamination from the outside. The most common applications are HIV rooms and rooms for other patients who have compromised immune systems. For these individuals, it is important that no common pathogens, even those which are harmless to healthy people, enter the room. For positive pressure isolation rooms, an anteroom is recommended and, within the room itself, air is filtered through both HEPA filters and Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation systems, which kill bacteria by exposing them to ultraviolet light.
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