How to Measure & Calculate Creatinine Clearance
Things You'll Need
- Blood sample
- 24-hour urine sample
- Calculator
Collect a blood sample from the patient and run a test for serum creatinine levels. Collect a 24-hour urine sample from the patient and run a test for creatinine levels.
Calculate the creatinine clearance by using this formula: (urine creatinine x urine volume)/(1440 x serum creatinine) where serum and urine creatinine are measured in mg/dl and urine volume is measured in ml.
Calculate creatinine clearance from serum creatinine only by using this formula: [(140-age) x weight]/72 x serum creatinine where the weight is measured in kg and the serum creatinine is measured in mg/dl. For females, multiply the result by 0.85.
Calculate creatinine clearance from serum creatinine using an alternate method by using this formula: [98 - (0.8 x (age-20))]/serum creatinine where age is rounded to the nearest decade and serum creatinine is measured in mg/dl. For females, multiply result by 0.9.