The Case Manager's Role in Residential Treatment
A case manager will assess a client's needs and help the client connect to services depending on this assessment. For instance, in a residential setting, a case manager may assist an elderly patient with dementia by facilitating conversations between the patient, the patient's family and doctors to determine the best plan for treatment.
There are many types of residential treatment programs, ranging from elderly care, such as nursing homes, to substance abuse and mental health programs. For long-term treatment, the case manager will focus more on counseling and supportive services, while for short term treatment the case manager will be more concerned with discharge planning and follow up care.
A case manager considering a residential position should be informed as to the agency's reputation and practices. According to Mental Health America, many residential programs have been cited for abuses of restraints and dishonest business practices. Non-profit, community-based agencies appear to be lower-risk for these types of problems.