Regulations for North Carolina Assisted Living Facilities
The Assisted Living Administrator Act (G.S. §§ 90-288.10 et. seq.) provides the framework for anyone wishing to provide assisted living services in North Carolina. The assisted living administrator must be 21 years old with a satisfactory criminal background report, and have successfully completed an associate's degree-level education, or the equivalent; a minimum of 120 hours of residential assisted living coursework; and an examination administered by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Facilities & Residents
Adult care homes are assisted living residence that can accommodate a minimum of seven unrelated residents with at least one daily meal, housekeeping services, and personal care. The residences offer either self-contained or shared bed and bath rooms where residences can come and go pretty much as they please.
Family care homes are adult care homes that service less than seven residents. Independent retirement homes (also called multiunit assisted housing with services) are adult care homes that do not provide 24 hour support services. Neither or those two options require a license. However, registration with the department is required.
Assisted living administrators are prohibited by law from accepting residents who have any combination of the following conditions: ventilator dependency; in need of continuous licensed nursing care; certified by physician that adult care home is inappropriate; and any other medical and functional care need determined by the Medical Care Commission.
Licensing & Inspecting
The annual fee for family care home registration is $315. The annual fee for independent retirement home registration is $350. The annual fee for an adult care home license is $360 plus $17.50 per bed.
Any adult care home can be inspected at any time without prior notice by the department and/or by the county department of social services. The department will monitor and inspect general safety and living conditions, while the county department of social services will monitor and inspect compliance with all rules and regulations. Inspections are conducted every two years.