The Average Cost of a Certified Nursing Assistant Program
Average Cost for Certification
Training and certification can cost $300 or more depending on state regulations. Each state has different regulations and costs.
Free Certification
Free training programs and certification is available through many medical facilities. Many nursing homes will train you, certify you and employ you for no cost as long as you agree to work for them for an agreed amount of time.
How to Find Free Programs
Call your local licensing agency or state Nurse Aide Training Program to find programs in your area. Look up the programs at medical facilities and inquire about community college classes, as many hospitals have contracts with schools to offer free certification courses.
Qualifying for Workforce
The Federal Workforce and Continuing Education Department will pay for courses, certification, uniforms, transportation and even day care if you are a qualified applicant. You must be 17 to 21 years old and out of school with a low income.
Regional Occupation Programs
Regional occupation programs may offer free certification. If it is not free, the cost is usually low, around $100 to $200.